querySelectorAll() the best JavaScript function in the world!

Hilarious Examples of Using querySelectorAll() in JavaScript

Welcome to this side-splitting guide on how to use the querySelectorAll() function in JavaScript. Get ready to laugh your way through these examples while learning about this handy DOM manipulation tool. Don't forget to wear your "I ❤️ JavaScript" clown wig!

Table of Contents


The querySelectorAll() method allows you to find and gather elements in the DOM that match a specified CSS selector. It's like creating a collection of misfit toys, only with HTML elements!

Example 1: Select All the Paragraphs

const allParagraphs = document.querySelectorAll('p');

// Result: A list of all the <p> elements on the page

Now you have a collection of paragraphs, just like a stand-up comedian has a collection of jokes!

Example 2: Grab All the Anchors

const allAnchors = document.querySelectorAll('a');

// Result: An array of all the <a> tags in the DOM

These anchors won't be sailing away anytime soon!

Example 3: Find All the Invisible Elements

const invisibleElements = document.querySelectorAll(':hidden');

// Result: A secret list of hidden elements

Shh, it's a secret club for invisible elements! You can't see them, but they're there.

Example 4: Hunt Down Aliens

const aliens = document.querySelectorAll('.alien');

// Result: A list of all elements with class 'alien'

We found them! Turns out, aliens are just HTML elements with a peculiar class name.

Example 5: Locate the Quirkiest Elements

const quirkyElements = document.querySelectorAll('.quirky, #mysterious');

// Result: An eclectic mix of quirky and mysterious elements

This collection includes the quirkiest elements in the DOM, including the mysteriously quirky ones.


Thanks for joining us on this hilarious journey through the world of querySelectorAll(). Remember, JavaScript is not just about coding; it's about having fun too!